
  • Individual Therapy


    Virtual anywhere in Texas

    $135 per session

  • Couple's Therapy


    Virtual anywhere in Texas

    $170 per session

  • Professional Consultation

    For mental health professionals who want to learn more about cults and coercion.

    $150 and up per hour

  • Cults for Mental Health Providers

    Coming soon!

    A course for Mental Health Providers to learn more about the experience of the cult and high control group survivor.

I help people heal from:

Cult experiences

Coercive control


Narcissistic/Emotional abuse

Large Group Awareness Trainings (LGATs)

Religious abuse

Commercial cults

Political cults


I do not accept insurance. If you’d like to use your insurance for services, I can provide a superbill for reimbursement, but this is something you should arrange with your insurance company ahead of time.